Executive Function Tips for Back-to-School

August 17, 2023

Staying organized is essential for students with increasingly busy schedules. The systems your child has in place now—at the start of the school year—will most likely be the ones that they have in place all year. So why not make sure those systems work? These tips from our Academic Managers will help you get your executive functioning skills in place before the year gets stressful.

Tips for Students

  • Create a system for tracking your assignments, like a notebook or Google calendar.
    • Write (or type) every assignment down! (No exceptions.)
    • Make a habit of checking your assignment tracker on a daily basis.
  • Break your assignments into manageable steps. Complete them one step at a time.
  • Write down what your after-school homework schedule will look like and stick to it.
  • Ask for help when you need it!

Tips for Parents

  • Work with your student to create morning/evening routines to keep them organized.
  • Help your student break big assignments into smaller parts.
  • Ask questions to help your student build their executive functioning skills:
    • What steps are involved?
    • How long do you think each step will take?
    • What parts might be the hardest to complete? Why?
  • Help your student define what healthy screen use looks like for them.

Call us today at 1-800-MY-TUTOR to learn how our Academic Managers can help our students start the school year off strong and hit the ground running.


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